Автор Загребельная М.
Издание 1-е
Год 2011
Страниц 144
Обложка мягкая
Формат 60*90/8
ISBN 978-5-86547-526-2
Уровень ТРКИ (TORFL) A1
Издательство Златоуст
Ρώσος φίλος μου. Αρχική του πορεία με εικόνες. Βιβλίο + CD
The course is designed for adult learners living in Russia who do not allow much time for long-term studies. Ideal as a course material for short-term language classes (48 academic hours, one-to-one learning), it includes a course book, a work book (CD) and an audio CD. It aims to take the learners to the equivalent of A1-level standard by developing basic speaking, writing, listening and reading skills as well as acquiring useful grammar. The programme is tailored to the needs of a foreigner and helps learners understand and use familiar expressions in everyday and business surroundings.